Introduction to Critical State Soil Mechanics

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pretoria Pretoria

Course content Stresses and strains in soil. Stress invariants and strain invariants. Stress paths. Compression and shear behaviour of soils. The Roscoe and Hvorslev surfaces. The Critical State concept. The behaviour of sands and development of a flow rule. Introduction to plasticity theory, the Cam Clay model. Continuum mechanics, constitutive models, compatibility of stresses and strains and…

Advanced Slope, Seepage and Foundation Analysis

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pretoria Pretoria

Course content Introduction to elasticity and plasticity in Geotechnical Engineering Upper and lower bound plasticity methods in Geotechnical Engineering Limit equilibrium methods in Geotechnical Engineering with a focus on slope stability analysis Finite difference seepage and consolidation analysis For more information click here.

UP Alumni Function

Future Africa, Hillcrest Campus, University of Pretoria University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Inviting all UP Alumni to celebrate 40 years of Engineering Geology and 15 years of Hydrogeology  As we might not have all Alumni’s updated details, kindly also forward this to all your Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology classmates. 16:00 – SAIEG Celebratory Lecture (for more information please send an email to 17:00 for 17:30 – UP…


In-situ Geotechnical Testing

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pretoria Pretoria

Course content Detail discussion of SPT, CPT, CPTu CSW, SASW, MASW, cross-hole test and downhole test. Interpretation of these tests to derive basic soil properties. Application of direct design methods. Flow regime and consolidation analysis from CPTu data. Foundation settlement calculation using small strain stiffness. For more information click here.

Geotechnical Laboratory Testing

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pretoria Pretoria

Course content Instrumentation for laboratory testing Geotechnical soil tests including the triaxial test, shearbox test, oedometer test and Rowe cell test Evaluation of typical stress paths for soil Overview of typical strength, stiffness and permeability values of soils and how to recognise poor test result Sampling of soils For more information click here.

Introduction to Unsaturated Soil Mechanics

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pretoria Pretoria

Course content Introduction to fundamental principles and stress state variables of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics Measurement of soil suction and unsaturated permeability Unsaturated shear strength and stiffness theory and measurements Lateral earth pressure, bearing capacity and slope stability analyses considering unsaturated soil mechanics Engineering applications of unsaturated soil mechanics For more information click here.

Risk and Reliability Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pretoria Pretoria

Course content An overview of basic statistical principles and reliability relevant to the course The Point Estimate Method Monte Carlo Analysis FORM optimisation technique for reliability analysis For more information click here.

Construction Materials Seminar

Salt Rock Dolphin Coast

SAIEG presents a two-day seminar on Construction Materials: The first day will consist of a series of lectures to familiarise delegates with basic concepts regarding the engineering geological appraisal of construction materials.  Presentations will focus on introducing concepts such as the requirements of materials for low volume, unpaved road layer works.  Current aggregate research that…

Site Investigation, In-Situ Testing and Laboratory Assessment

The Blades, Plot 75, Zeekoegat, Kameeldrift East, Pretoria Plot 75 Zeekoegat, Kameeldrift East, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

ABOUT THE SEMINAR The first day will consist of a series of lectures and discussions on site investigation and in-situ testing. SAIEG is pleased to announce that the eminent Dr Frank Netterberg will be delivering the keynote opening address for the seminar. The importance of the quality of site investigation will be illustrated by a…

SAIEG Annual General Meeting 2022

The Blades, Plot 75, Zeekoegat, Kameeldrift East, Pretoria Plot 75 Zeekoegat, Kameeldrift East, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

SAIEG’s 38th Annual General Meeting
