ABA Brink Award

ABA Brink Award

The ABA Brink award is made annually by SAIEG to give recognition to the outstanding role played by Dr Tony Brink in the development of Engineering Geology in South Africa. The award consists of a book token as well as a certificate. The following criteria apply:

  • The award is to be presented to a SAIEG member of who is the primary author of a meritorious publication related to engineering and / or environmental geology in South Africa or elsewhere. In exceptional circumstances the award may be presented to a person who is not a member.
  • The originality of the publication and its contribution towards the advancement of Engineering Geology in South Africa will be taken into account.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Nominations will be invited annually from individual members and are to be submitted to the SAIEG Vice President.
  • The nominations with accompanying motivations will be considered by the Awards sub-committee appointed by the SAIEG Council.
  • The decision of the sub-committee will be subject to ratification by the Council. In the event of any member of the sub-committee being nominated for the award, the Council will appoint an alternate member.
  • In the event of no publication during the year being considered of sufficient merit, the sub-committee may recommend that no award be made for that year.
  • The sub-committee may decide to divide the award between the authors of publications it considers of equal merit.
  • Where possible, the award will be presented at an appropriate Institute function.